The PUT command sends back the contents of the output buffer, but the return statement at the end of main() also sends back data; the status generated will be passed back to the PPE. PUT命令会发回输出缓冲区的内容,但是main()末尾的返回语句也会将数据发送回去;所生成的状态会发回给PPE。
The SPE program reads in the input buffer, processes the data, and then writes it to the output buffer. SPE程序从输入缓冲区中读取数据,然后对数据进行处理,再将结果写入输出缓冲区中。
A wide variety of tasks can be performed prior to performing a forward, but no response headers can be set by the forwarding component and no content can be sent to the output buffer. 在转发之前可以执行很多类型的任务,但是要转发的组件不能设置响应头部信息,也不能有内容发送到输出缓冲区。
The xev output is nonbuffered, which leads to seldom-used windows not filling the output buffer at a fast-enough rate. xev输出是非缓冲的,这会造成较少使用的窗口无法以足够快的速度填充输出缓冲。
The readfile function dumps the entire contents of a file or Web page to the default output buffer. readfile函数将把文件或Web页面的全部内容转储到默认的输出缓冲区。
The format of the output buffer is defined by the3rd parameter ( Format name). 输出缓冲区的格式由3rd参数(格式名称)定义。
The simplest usage is to have the SPE program take two pointers: one for an input buffer and one for an output buffer. 最简单的用法是让SPE程序使用两个指针:一个用于输入缓冲区,另外一个用于输出缓冲区。
The final important thing you may note is that a pageContext object is used to access the output buffer for sending content directly to the output stream. 您要注意的最后一件重要的事情是使用了pageContext对象访问输出缓存以直接向输出流发送内容。
Input/ Output Buffer: if the lisp variable gdb-use-inferior-io-buffer is non-nil, the executable program being debugged takes its input and displays its output here. Input/Output(输入/输出)Buffer:如果lisp变量gdb-use-inferior-io-buffer为非nil值,所调试的可执行程序从中读取输入并将输出显示到其中。
In order to convert the digital signals into corresponding gamma voltages and send them to output buffer, we need a DAC circuit in the design of LCD source driver. 在LCD源驱动芯片设计中,为了将输入的数字信号转换成对应的灰阶电压,送到输出缓冲进行输出,需要一个数模转换电路。
An Output Buffer for IRFPA ROIC 一种用于红外焦平面读出电路的输出缓冲器
All word input/ output buffer 全字输入输出缓冲器
The paper first presents a model to describe the switch, then analyzes the model and gets the packet loss probabilities of input buffer and output buffer under finite buffer capacity. 文中首先建立了描述交换网络的模型,然后分析了在有限缓存客量下在输入队和输出队中分组的丢失率。
The buffer management mechanism ( partial share output buffer) is presented. 我们提出一种ATM交换网络的缓存管理机制即部分共享输出缓存方法。
Output buffer is realized by the feedback application of amplifier which can drive big load capacitor. 单位增益缓冲器是具有驱动大负载电容能力的运算放大器的反馈应用,该运算放大器的增益大于70db,相位裕度大于70度。
NET mainly offers two kinds of buffer memory technology: the output buffer memory ( page level and user control level) and the data buffer memory. NET提供两种主要形式的缓存:输出缓存(页面级和用户控件级)和数据缓存。
Performance Analysis of a ATM Switch System with Partial Share Output Buffer 一种部分共享输出缓存的ATM交换系统性能分析
The advantage of the output buffer memory is very easy to realize. 输出缓存的优点是非常易于实现。
Performance analysis of ATM switch node with output buffer priority management 输出缓冲优先级管理的ATM交换节点性能分析
This simulation method also has reference value to the design of output buffer of ATM switches supporting VC merging. 该仿真分析方法对于支持VC合并的ATM交换机输出缓冲区的设计也具有指导价值。
A theoretical queue model of ATM switch with Bernoulli arrivals of two priorities and finite output buffer capacity is developed. The average queue size, the loss probability of packet and the average waiting time are derived. 对双优先级贝努利(Bernoulli)分布到达的有限输出队列ATM交换模型进行了理论分析,导出了平均队长、平均分组丢失率、平均分组等待时间等关系式。
The crucial path includes address buffer, decoder, memory unit, sense amplifier and output buffer. 其中包括地址缓冲、译码器、存储单元、灵敏放大器和输出缓冲电路。
Methods The microstrip transmission line and multiple anti jamming methods were used in designing, and signal integrity analysis and software simulation based on input/ output buffer information specification ( IBIS) models were adopted. 方法在其物理实现中采用微带传输线的连接方式及多种抗干扰设计,进行了基于输入/输出缓冲参数特性(IBIS)模型的信号完整性分析及软件仿真。
In addition, we will introduce the I/ O protection circuits, input buffer and the output buffer, witch will insure the safety of drivers. 另外为了保护电路安全工作,我们还给出了输入保护电路、输出保护电路,输入缓冲器和输出缓冲器,并对各个电路选取的理论依据和实际应用场合给予了详细的介绍。
By analyzing discrete queuing model, the thesis has a research about the performance of input buffer management, output buffer management and share buffer management. Cell loss probability, throughout, cell delay and buffer utilization are presented by theoretic analysis. 通过对离散排队模型的分析,研究了输入缓冲、输出缓冲和共享缓冲的性能,从信元丢失率、吞吐量、时延和缓冲器利用率等方面进行了理论分析。
Under the constraint of input/ output buffer with limited capacity in FMS, mathematical model has established that a single AGV finish all unfinished handling tasks in the shortest time within a certain time. 针对FMS中输入/输出缓存区容量有限的约束下建立单AGV在某一时刻内未完成的搬运任务的调度问题,建立了数学模型,目标是AGV完成所有任务的时间最短。
Meanwhile, a signal loss detection module is integrated into the chip for low-power applications. The module can close or open output buffer to effectively reduce the static power consumption. 同时根据产品对低功耗的应用要求,芯片内部集成了信号丢失检测模块,其可根据使用环境关断开启输出缓冲单元,能够有效降低限幅放大器的静态功耗。
The LNA circuit is mainly composed of two-stage common-source amplifier and an output buffer. It has realized the input matching by using the LC filter network and obtained lower power consumption and higher gain in the entire frequency band by employing the current reuse technology. 该低噪声放大器电路主要由两级共源放大器和输出缓冲器构成,采用LC滤波网络实现输入匹配,结合电流复用技术,在整个频带内获得了较低的功耗和较高的增益。
The protocol converter based on the integration architecture above includes wireless industrial control networks ( WICN) master module and TCP server module. And the two modules have their own separate input buffer and output buffer. 基于该集成架构的协议转换器包括无线工业控制网络(WICN)主站模块与TCP服务器端模块,它们拥有各自独立的输入缓冲区和输出缓冲区。